Jesus said ‘I have come that you may have life in all its fullness’ – John 10:10
Teaching children to read fluently is our key academic priority as this makes the biggest difference to the future life chances of children enabling them to be the person they are fully capable of being.
It is our ambition that every child is a fluent reader by the age of 7. For children that are not fluent every effort, including targeted interventions, is made to help them to catch up and keep up so that all children can access our broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum which is carefully designed and delivered to enable children to know more, remember more and make a positive difference to others.
As a School we are fully committed to continuous improvement
We have identified 5 key strategic priorities which will help shape our future direction and development.
Strategic Priority 1
‘Blessed is the one that reads’ – Revelation 1:3
To ensure children develop early reading skills, including oracy, through a structured phonic approach and for those children who need it specific and targeted interventions to enable them to catch up and keep up are put into place; to develop a love and enjoyment of reading so they become lifelong learners who can achieve as best they can and who can confidently share their learning with others;
Strategic Priority 2
‘Whatever you do work at it with all your heart’ – Colossians 3:23
To plan and implement a coherent, narrative curriculum providing a core foundational knowledge, allowing children to make connections, debate, question and analyse and then to share their learning through informed discussion, teaching and performing.
Strategic Priority 3
‘It is the Lord who gives wisdom, from Him come knowledge and understanding.’ – Proverbs 2:6
To use current educational research to develop collaborative Lesson Study projects based upon making learning memorable which will help children remember more;
Strategic Priority 4
‘My refuge and my stronghold, my God in whom I put my trust.’ – Psalm 91:2
To safeguard children and ensure that they know what to do if they do not feel safe.
Strategic Priority 5
‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’ – Mark 12:31
To support mental health and wellbeing (physical and mental) by providing students with the skills and opportunities to express their thoughts, feelings and emotions, ask for help, interact effectively and positively with peers and adults, and feel listened to and valued.