
Year 6 lead Celebration Assembly

Year 6 have been really enjoying their new role in leading Celebration Assembly on a Friday afternoon.

Supported by Miss. Thompson Year 6 have been volunteering to lead and run our whole School assembly each Friday.

They are very confident speaking in front of over 200 of their peers and thoroughly enjoy talking to the younger children about what they have been doing and sharing their successes. It is great to see them really developing their leadership skills.

Well done Year 6! We are really proud of you.

Keeping Cool!

Year 5 have had a ‘cool’ afternoon exploring thermal insulators as they designed and carried out their own experiment to find which material was best to stop an ice cube melting.

There were lots of predictions and hypothesis’ as well as close observations with lots of detailed scientific discussion about what they could see happening.

Early Years Easter Afternoon

Reception and Nursery children thoroughly enjoyed inviting parents and carers into their classroom and spent a lovely afternoon taking part in Easter crafts.

Thank you to everyone who came along and made it such a memorable afternoon.


In Year 2 the children have been developing their drawing and painting skills in Art by focussing on portraits.    They are working particularly hard on their portraits of Queen Elizabeth II.

Amazing Alnwick!

On Monday, the children in Year 2 visited Alnwick Castle after a very busy term learning all about Castles.  They understood more about defending and attacking a castle by having a battle between the Scottish and the English!  Everyone had a fabulous day.

Hatching chicks


On Monday, the boys and girls in Early Years had a delivery of chick eggs. By Friday, seven healthy chicks had hatched out. The children have absolutely LOVED watching nature in action! We cannot wait until next week when they will be old enough for us to hold.

Exploring Negative Space in Art!

Year 6 have been exploring negative space in art through exploration of Nōtan. Nōtan is a Japanese design concept involving the play and placement of light and dark elements as they are placed next to the other in the composition of art and imagery.

Christmas Greetings from France

Year 6 created some Christmas messages for their pen pals at La Salle School in Amiens in France on coloured paper strips so that the French pupils could make some paper chains. We were delighted to receive some back and enjoyed reading and translating these festive greetings!

Joyeux Noel!

Early Years Welly Walk

The children in Early Years really enjoyed their sponsored Welly Walk from School to Hadrian’s Wall. There were lots of opportunities to test out their wellies in muddy puddles! Together you and the children have raised an amazing £842.80 which will be spent on buying additional outdoor equipment for Early Years.