Year 6 enjoyed working together to investigate the everyday lives of the Ancient Egyptians.
They carried out lots of research and produced information posters covering the main aspects of life as an Egyptian in the time of the Pharaohs.
Heddon On The Wall St Andrew's C of E Primary School
Where every child matters.
Year 6 enjoyed working together to investigate the everyday lives of the Ancient Egyptians.
They carried out lots of research and produced information posters covering the main aspects of life as an Egyptian in the time of the Pharaohs.
KS1 parents and carers were invited into school to take part in a range of Easter crafts with the children. Everyone had a brilliant afternoon and we would like to thank everyone who came along.
We loved being able to welcome you all into school!
We have been practising a range of food preparation skills in our Design and Technology lessons. Working in pairs, we have practised peeling, grating and cutting. We discussed how the bridge and claw cutting techniques can help us when working in a safe way. We are looking forward to putting our hard work to good use in the summer term, when we will be designing and creating our healthy sandwich!
We are very pleased to let you know that your generous donations at both the Mothers Day and Easter Services mean that £369.78 has been raised to help the people of Ukraine.
Thank you!
Year 6 have been really enjoying their new role in leading Celebration Assembly on a Friday afternoon.
Supported by Miss. Thompson Year 6 have been volunteering to lead and run our whole School assembly each Friday.
They are very confident speaking in front of over 200 of their peers and thoroughly enjoy talking to the younger children about what they have been doing and sharing their successes. It is great to see them really developing their leadership skills.
Well done Year 6! We are really proud of you.
Year 5 have had a ‘cool’ afternoon exploring thermal insulators as they designed and carried out their own experiment to find which material was best to stop an ice cube melting.
There were lots of predictions and hypothesis’ as well as close observations with lots of detailed scientific discussion about what they could see happening.
Reception and Nursery children thoroughly enjoyed inviting parents and carers into their classroom and spent a lovely afternoon taking part in Easter crafts.
Thank you to everyone who came along and made it such a memorable afternoon.
In Year 2 the children have been developing their drawing and painting skills in Art by focussing on portraits. They are working particularly hard on their portraits of Queen Elizabeth II.
On Monday, the children in Year 2 visited Alnwick Castle after a very busy term learning all about Castles. They understood more about defending and attacking a castle by having a battle between the Scottish and the English! Everyone had a fabulous day.
On Monday, the boys and girls in Early Years had a delivery of chick eggs. By Friday, seven healthy chicks had hatched out. The children have absolutely LOVED watching nature in action! We cannot wait until next week when they will be old enough for us to hold.