
Rugby with Newcastle Falcons

The children are enjoying the opportunity to learn the skills and to play Tag Rugby.

We are really lucky to have our sessions led by Michael, one of the coaches from Newcastle Falcons. Michael is also an ex-pupil from Heddon Primary so it is fantastic to be able to welcome him back and to have such a great role model for our current pupils.

Year 3 visit to Dilston Physic Garden.

Year 3 visited Dilston Physic Garden today to end our Science unit learning about plants. We thoroughly enjoyed exploring the garden, completing the scavenger hunt and making our very own ointments in the Herbology House. Thankfully the weather was on our side, so it was a joy to sit and have our lunch in the “sitooterie”, before playing croquet on the meadow alongside a few games of giant chess

Helping Hands for Ukraine

Year 5 enjoyed making pictures for our Partner School, Ecole Internationale Differdange, in Luxembourg.

Ecole Internationale Differdange is opening up some of their unsued buildings to provide a School for refugees from Ukraine. Year 5 have created pictures to decorate the walls in these classrooms to provide a positive and inspiring environment for the Ukrainian children.

We made pictures of our hands waving hello. Our hands can be kind, gentle, hard working and a support for others. We also included some inspirational quotes.

We are looking forward to hearing what our friends in Luxembourg think about them!


Thank you so much to all of the children that made egg-cellent entries for our Easter Egg Competition.

Please can we thank Morrisons, Tesco’s and Sainsbury’s for donating Easter Egg prizes.

Below are some of our prize winners.

Balance See Saw

Reception and Nursery took part in a sponsored ‘Welly Walk’ around Heddon Village to raise money for our outdoor area. We used some of the money we raised to buy a balance see saw! The children absolutely loved trying to balance on it either on their own or with a friend.

Thank you everyone for your continued support!

Making Security Alarms

In Design Technology Year 6 have been investigating complex electrical systems. They have been working in teams to design a security alarm system for the British Museum to protect their priceless Egyptian artefacts. This has involved using series and parallel circuits, push to break and push to make switches, buzzers and bulbs as well as cutting and stripping their own wires and working out how to join the components together. Finally each team had to produce a working mock up of their system.

While this was challenging it was also great fun!

Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt

Year 6 enjoyed working together to investigate the everyday lives of the Ancient Egyptians.

They carried out lots of research and produced information posters covering the main aspects of life as an Egyptian in the time of the Pharaohs.

KS1 Easter crafts afternoon

KS1 parents and carers were invited into school to take part in a range of Easter crafts with the children. Everyone had a brilliant afternoon and we would like to thank everyone who came along.

We loved being able to welcome you all into school!

Food preparation in Year 3.

We have been practising a range of food preparation skills in our Design and Technology lessons. Working in pairs, we have practised peeling, grating and cutting. We discussed how the bridge and claw cutting techniques can help us when working in a safe way. We are looking forward to putting our hard work to good use in the summer term, when we will be designing and creating our healthy sandwich!