Academy Committee Member Profiles

Mrs. Michelle Robson – Chair of Academy Committee (Parent Member)

As a Mum I am incredibly passionate about the education of my children and the environment that surrounds their first learning experiences.  The opportunity to support and play a role as Chair of the Academy Committee enables me to encourage, advise and also challenge on how we operate the environment that surrounds our children as they learn.

Elected by parent nomination, I have been in my role since 2018 and have two daughters who both attend the school.  Whilst they have both built longlasting happy memories at school, I believe we can always find ways to both challenge and drive improvements against current performance

Mr. Robin Brims (Ex-Officio (Foundation Member))

I was born and brought up in Heddon and have worshipped at St Andrew’s all my life. I spent nearly 40 years in the Army rising to the rank of Lieutenant General. I then reorganised a university in Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan. For the last 10 years I have worked with several charities seeking to give young people a better chance in life. I am Lay Chair of St Andrew’s PCC and in the photograph I am welcoming the Reverend Rachel Scheffer as Priest in Charge in September 2021.

Mrs. Lynda Henderson (Foundation Member)

My name is Lynda Henderson. I am currently a Foundation Governor on the Academy Committee at Heddon on the Wall St. Andrew’s CE Primary School.
I am now retired but worked for over 33 years in the school office so  have a very keen interest in the work and progress of the school. As I am also a Church Warden at the  local Parish Church, I am very eager to continue to build on the very strong foundations and good relationships which currently exist between the Church and the School.
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my five grandchildren, walking and amateur dramatics.

Mr. Andrew Wheatley – Headteacher (Headteacher Member)

I have been Headteacher at the school since September 2009 and prior to that was Headteacher at Hawthorn Church of England First School in Ashington. As Headteacher I sit on all the Committees providing support and advice. In my (limited!) spare time I enjoy spending time with my beautiful daughters, walking my dog on the wonderful beaches near my home and reading. As I see the School and Church having an essential partnership I attend and support St. Andrew’s Church in Heddon as often as possible.    

Mrs. Hannah Abbott (Staff Member)

I am a mum of three and have taught across most year groups at Heddon since September 2010.  I currently teach in Year 2.  I lead English (with a particular focus on reading, phonics and speaking and listening) across the school as well as being the Educational Visits Co-ordinator.  I have been the staff representative on the Academy Committee for two years and currently chair the Curriculum Sub-Committee.

Mrs. Gillian Reed (Appointed by the Academy Committee)

I moved to Heddon with my husband and two boys in 2014. Both my boys now attend Heddon school and they love their time there! I started volunteering in the school a few years ago and have grown to love being part of the school community, so much so I am now doing a college course in Specialist Support for Teaching and Learning (Teaching Assistant). I am a qualified Town Planner and, having previously worked in regeneration and community development, I now work four days a week as a Planner and Project Manager and more recently have been involved in school place planning as part of this role. In my spare time I usually end up doing housework, but for fun I enjoy playing trains, cricket, Mario Kart etc with my boys, and enjoy a good curry whenever possible!

Miss. Anne Vernon (Foundation Member)

I have recently joined the Academy Council and I’m looking forward to supporting pupils and staff at Heddon on the Wall. I work for the education team across the Durham and Newcastle dioceses and enjoy providing school improvement support and training across 106 schools! When I’ve got some spare time l like crafting, gardening and curling up with a good book.

Our Clerk is Mr. Steve Leigh (Pele Trust)

Notes Photographs will be provided as soon as practicable. Academy Committee members regularly go into School and attend School related events.

If you would like to contact a Academy Committee member please direct your request to the School or Mr. Steve Leigh (Clerk to the Academy Committee) at or chat to them at anytime you may meet them.